PHP is one of the most widely used open-source programming languages. It’s quite popular as it’s free software, which can be used to create responsive websites such as community sites, Internet shops or e-learning portals rather than static HTML-based sites. A PHP module should be activated on the server where a PHP-powered site is hosted so that its code can be interpreted. As there are no license fees for this type of module and the language provides unlimited possibilities for the Internet applications that you build, there’re hundreds of millions of PHP-powered sites. In addition, there’re tons of PHP scripts, which you can use for your websites without the need to have any programming knowledge. As there are a handful of versions of PHP, you need to make certain that the same exact version that you used whilst setting up your website is enabled on the web server as well.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Hosting

We have decided not to prevent our current and prospective clients from selecting the PHP version that their sites will be using, which implies that if you purchase a shared hosting plan from our company, you’ll be able to choose between versions 4, 5 and 7, not only for the account as a whole, but also for each individual domain hosted by you. This can be done with only one mouse click through our custom-developed Hepsia Control Panel via which all hosting accounts are managed, so you won’t need any coding or technical abilities. You’ll be able to host sites built with both new and old PHP-based scripts without a problem, so if you wish to abandon your current web hosting supplier and move over to us, you can rest assured that all the websites that you’ve developed over the years will continue to run faultlessly.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting

In case you’ve got a site created with an older version of PHP and you’ve committed time and energy toward setting it up, patching safety holes and inserting page content, you’ll need to find a web hosting service that can support it, since the majority of hosting companies these days offer only the most recently unveiled version of PHP and abandon the previous versions. We, on the other hand, have decided to let you choose the exact version that your websites need. Our Linux semi-dedicated packages support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8, which implies that you’ll be able to use both newer and older scripts without forfeiting any manual modifications or frittering away time and effort struggling to make your websites compatible with the hosting platform. You can change the current version via the Hepsia Control Panel and such a change will apply to the whole semi-dedicated server account, but you’ll also be able to select a different PHP version for each individual site that you host in your account by using an .htaccess config file.