If you notice a large increase in the traffic to your site and in case after you check the visitor stats it turns out that it comes from areas around the world or from other web servers, your site is probably being attacked by an automatic bot. Such programs go through random Internet sites seeking to log in to their admin area through a brute-force attack or to leave spam comments below any sort of article where this kind of an option is available. Unfortunately, this is something quite popular in recent times, but if you know the IP addresses from which the attacks come, you could block them, so the bots won't be able to access your Internet site in any way. Obviously, you are able to block IPs even if you allow only people from particular countries to access your Internet site.

IP Blocking in Shared Hosting

Our Linux shared hosting packages include an IP blocking tool, so in case you would like to restrict the access to your sites, you'll be able to do so with just a few clicks. The tool is part of the Hepsia hosting CP, which comes with all accounts and that is a breeze to use. When you log in and navigate to the IP blocking section, you will just have to choose a domain or a subdomain hosted inside the account and input the IP address that needs to be blocked. Our system will permit you to block whole networks also, so if you input 123.123.123., for example, this will block all IP addresses between and from accessing your sites. If you would like to whitelist an IP at some point, you may unblock it with just a click from the same section.

IP Blocking in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You'll be able to block IP addresses with ease and stop the unwelcome traffic to any site hosted inside a semi-dedicated server account with us, considering the fact that we offer a really easy-to-use tool to do that, that is provided with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Even if you haven't dealt with this type of problems in the past, you will not have any difficulties, because our tool has a very user-friendly interface. When you check out the IP blocking section of the Control Panel, you will find a complete list of all the domains and subdomains you have added inside the Hosted Domains section. All you have to do to block an IP address is choose the desired domain or subdomain from a drop-down menu and then type in the IP inside the box below. The change will take effect straightaway, so you'll not get any traffic from this address in the future. Taking away an IP from the blocked list is just as easy.